Staging management strategy for electric vehicle charging load in residential area
投稿时间:2019-08-15  修订日期:2019-09-21
中文关键词: 电动汽车  有序充电  用户参与度  分期管理
英文关键词: electric vehicle  orderly charging  user participa⁃tion ratio  staging managegment
刘琦颖 广州供电局有限公司广州510620 
赵振东 广州市奔流电力科技有限公司广州510630 
唐渊 广州供电局有限公司广州510620 
范晋衡 广州供电局有限公司广州510620 
张捷妮 广州供电局有限公司广州510620 
吴子俊 广州供电局有限公司广州510620 
何奉禄 广州市奔流电力科技有限公司广州510630 
摘要点击次数: 1698
全文下载次数: 696
      In order to improve the participation ratio of electric vehicle users in orderly charging, reduce the charging load ofelectric vehicles in the peak period, and delay the overload of distribution transformers, the medium charging management mode and longterm charging management mode are setted. According to the user’s willingness to charge, time of use electricity price period,and the residence time of electric vehicles in residential areas,which can meet different charging needs in orderly charging.Among them, the charging start time of the medium charging man agement mode is selected by the reverse order method to achieve the peak cutting and peak shifting effect, according to the residen tial load change characteristics, and the long term charging manage ment mode uses the maximum minimum load value method to select the charging start time to achieve the effect of filling the valley.The proposed strategy provides users with more choices and the simulation results show that the load peak and off peak difference,the load variance, and the charging cost can be further reduced,through coordinating the user participation ratio of different man agement modes.
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