季小雨,马洪伟,刘 政,黄晨曦.电力系统中的储能技术应用及其商业模式[J].电力需求侧管理,2019,21(S1):113-116
Application and business model of energy storage technology in power system
投稿时间:2019-07-20  修订日期:2019-07-22
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2019. S1. 032
中文关键词: 电力大客户  价值分级  科学用电指数  精准营销
英文关键词: energy storage industry  application scenarios  business model
季小雨 国网浙江长兴县供电有限公司浙江 湖州 313100 
马洪伟 国网浙江省电力有限公司培训中心,杭州 310000 
刘 政 国网宁波供电公司浙江 宁波 315000 
黄晨曦 国网浙江长兴县供电有限公司浙江 湖州 313100 
摘要点击次数: 347
全文下载次数: 286
      In recent years, the social economy has been developing rapidly. The comprehensive energy has been promoted step by step. Energy storage technology, as a key supporting technology and an important component of energy Internet, smart grid and renewable energy high?proportion energy system, can be effectively applied in many fields such as wholesale energy service,power auxiliary service, transmission facility service, distribution facility service and energy management on the consumer side. Reasonable, safe and efficient application of energy storage technology is of great significance to improve the comprehensive benefits of power system. The application scenarios of energy storage technology and some feasible business models are studied and elaborated to strengthen people’s understanding of energy storage technology of integrated energy power system and lay a foundation for the rapid development of its business model.
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