张廷营,陈 玮,杨 塑,黄筱婷,许 喆,周宜广.南方区域跨省跨区电力交易偏差结算机制探讨[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(4):94-100
Discussion on the deviation and settlement mechanism of inter⁃provincial and inter⁃regional power transaction in southern region
投稿时间:2020-01-17  修订日期:2020-03-26
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 04. 019
中文关键词: 跨省跨区交易  结算机制  偏差原因  偏差处理
英文关键词: inter ⁃provincial and inter ⁃ regional transaction  settlement mechanism  cause of deviation  deviation processing
张廷营 广州电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510623 
陈 玮 广州电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510623 
杨 塑 广州电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510623 
黄筱婷 广州电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510623 
许 喆 广州电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510623 
周宜广 北京清能互联科技有限公司广州分公司广州 510620 
摘要点击次数: 2354
全文下载次数: 646
      The processing of deviation power is a key link in the settlement of power transactions across provinces and regions.Firstly, the deviation settlement models of typical power markets at home and abroad is summarized, and then the three commonly used methods for allocation and settlement of deviation power to summarize their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. And the problems of the current deviation settlement method with the development of the southern regional market are analyzed. In order to connect well with the spot market settlement mechanism and give full play to the role of market pricing, a separate pricing and settlement method for offset power is proposed, and the design of offset pricing and offset cost allocation mechanism is given. Finally, according to the settlement requirements of different development stages of the southern regional market, the reasonable selection of deviation settlement methods is put forward, and the prospect of how to improve the inter-provincial and inter-regional settlement mechanism of the southern region is expected.
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