Study on the forecasting model of monthly power load based on economic and meteorological factors
投稿时间:2020-05-08  修订日期:2020-07-16
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 05. 015
中文关键词: 用电负荷  趋势负荷  气象负荷  预测模型
英文关键词: electric load  trend load  meteorological load  mid⁃term prediction model
汪付华 安徽省淮北市气象局安徽 淮北 235037 
周后福 安徽省气象科学研究所合肥 230031 
戴金源 国网淮北供电公司安徽 淮北 235000 
张屏 安徽省淮北市气象局安徽 淮北 235037 
董平安 安徽省淮北市气象局安徽 淮北 235037 
张怀念 安徽省淮北市气象局安徽 淮北 235037 
刘璐 安徽省淮北市气象局安徽 淮北 235037 
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全文下载次数: 838
      基于 2012—2018 年安徽省淮北地区月用电负荷、宏观经济数据和气象观测资料,运用相关分析、多元回归分析和曲线拟合等方法,将实际用电负荷分解为趋势负荷和波动负荷,分析趋势负荷与经济数据的关系建立基于经济指标的趋势负荷预测模型,拟合率达到 99.3%;研究波动负荷与气象因子的关系建立基于气象因子的波动负荷预测模型,拟合率达到 97.8%;经测试模型的泛化能力较高,符合设计要求。将研究成果作为新的服务手段为电力部门提供更加专业、定量的服务产品,为淮北电网运营调度提供科学依据,取得了明显的社会经济效益。
      Based on the electric load, macroeconomic data and meteorological observation data in Huaibei of Anhui from 2012 to 2018, some equations are built by using correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and curve fitting method. The actual power load is divided into trend load and fluctuating load. The trend load forecast model is established based on economic index after the relationship between trend load and economic data is analyzed. The fitting rate of the model reaches 99.3% . The forecast model of fluctuating load is built based on meteorological factors after the relationship between fluctuating load and meteorological factors are analyzed. The fitting rate of the model reaches 97.8%.The application of these results provides scientific basis for operation and dispatch of Huaibei Power Grid, and it has achieved obvious social and economic benefits.
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