龙 禹,阮文骏,朱宇超,甘春江.商业楼宇用能控制策略研究及应用[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(1):42-48
Research and application of energy control strategy for commercial buildings
投稿时间:2021-09-28  修订日期:2021-11-20
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 01. 008
中文关键词: 商业楼宇  用能优化  信息物理系统  电力市场环境
英文关键词: commercial buildings  energy consumption optimization  cyher physical system  electricity market environment
龙 禹 国网江苏省电力有限公司南京 210024 
阮文骏 国网江苏省电力有限公司南京 210024 
朱宇超 国网江苏省电力有限公司 南京供电分公司南京 210000 
甘春江 国网江苏省电力有限公司 南京供电分公司南京 210000 
摘要点击次数: 3148
全文下载次数: 466
      在目前电力市场环境下,除大力发展新能源之外,降低能源消耗量及提高能源利用效率显得尤为重要,在此环境下设计了商业楼宇用能优化系统。结合商业楼宇用能实际情况,完善技术路线,对商业楼宇的信息物理系统(cyberphysical system,CPS)用能控制策略进行分析与优化,统一接入省级智慧能源服务平台,通过平台生成用能优化、需求响应策略并下发至边端执行;采用通用分组无线服务专网(generalpacket radio service,GPRS)与本地光纤、工业以太网混合组网方式,确保通信的安全性和可靠性;可编程控制柜,通过边缘计算实现单体设备运行最优,在网络中断的情况也能闭环运转;安装各类传感器和控制器,实时监测运行数据,调控运行状态。
      In the environment of current electricity market, in addition to vigorously developing new energy, it is particularly important to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency. In this environment, the energy consumption optimization system of commercial buildings is designed. Combined with the actual situation of energy consumption of commercial buildings, the technicalroute is improved, and the energy consumption control strategy of in-formation physical system of commercial buildings is analyzed and optimized. Unified access to the provincial smart energy service platform, energy consumption optimization and demand response strategies is generated through the platform and is distributed to the sideend for implementation. The mixed networking mode of general packet radio service wireless private network, local optical fiber and industrial Ethernet is adopted to ensure the safety and reliability of communication. Programmable logic controller cabinet realizes the optimal operation of single equipment through edge calculation, and can also operate in closed loop in case of network interruption. Various sensors and controllers are installed to monitor operation data inreal time and regulate operation status.
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