张 炜,杨 芸.基于用户需求响应的综合能源交易机制研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(2):72-79
Market trading mechanism for integrated energy systems based on user of demand response
投稿时间:2021-11-18  修订日期:2022-01-20
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 02 . 012
中文关键词: 综合能源交易  演化博弈  Stackelberg博弈  需求响应  分布式算法
英文关键词: integrated energy trading  evolutionary game  Stackelberg game  demand response  distributed algorithm
张 炜 国网陕西省电力有限公司 调控中心西安 710048 
杨 芸 国网陕西省电力有限公司超高压公司西安 710075 
摘要点击次数: 1465
全文下载次数: 475
      针对多能源协同规划、共同运行的能源系统发展趋势,提出了一种含有电能、热能和氢能的综合能源市场交易机制,以促进综合能源系统的发展。市场参与者为拥有可以供给多类型能源的能源转化设备的综合能源服务商和具有灵活需求响应能力的用户。为解决市场参与方和参与者之间相互竞争博弈问题,建立了上层为综合能源服务商之间的对能源销售价格竞争的非合作博弈,下层为多用户之间的演化博弈的双层博弈模型。同时,根据综合能源服务商与用户间的交易次序,构建了二者之间的Stackelberg 主从博弈模型。通过算例分析验证了该综合能源交易机制不仅可以使市场交易在多能源之间得到耦合,提高能源使用效率,还可以促进用户负荷的灵活响应,降低负荷峰值,提升用户效益。
      Aiming at the development trend of multi - energy cooperative planning and co-operation of energy systems, a comprehensive energy market trading mechanism including electric energy, thermal energy and hydrogen energy is proposed. Market participants are integrated energy service providers with energy conversion equipment that can supply multiple types of energy and users with flexible demand response capabilities. Based on the market game relationship between integrated energy service providers and users, a Stackelberg game model between them is established. Besides, an upper model of the non-cooperative game of the integrated-energy service providers is established, and the lower model of the evolutionary game between users is established. According to the characteristics of the model, a distributed algorithm for finding the equilibrium solution of the model is proposed. Calculations show that the integrated energy trading mechanism can not only improve energy efficiency, but also promote the flexible response of userload, reduce peak load and enhance user efficiency。
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