胡 臻,刘 静,张 凯,刘 畅,陈琳依.美国爬坡辅助服务市场的需求价格曲线机制分析[J].电力需求侧管理,2024,26(5):113-118
Demand price curve mechanism in ramping auxiliary service market of USA
投稿时间:2024-06-21  修订日期:2024-08-03
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2024. 05. 018
中文关键词: 爬坡能力  需求价格曲线  辅助服务  美国电力市场
英文关键词: ramping capability  demand price curve  auxiliary service  electricity market of United States
胡 臻 国网湖南省电力有限公司 电力科学研究院,长沙 410007 
刘 静 国网湖南省电力有限公司,长沙 510000 
张 凯 国网湖南省电力有限公司,长沙 510000 
刘 畅 国网湖南省电力有限公司,长沙 510000 
陈琳依 国网湖南省电力有限公司,长沙 510000 
摘要点击次数: 141
全文下载次数: 52
      With the continuous promotion of the construction of new power systems, the proportion of new energy installations is increasing, the demand for ramping capability is growing, and the importance of flexible ramping capability for maintaining the stable operation of power systems is gradually becoming apparent. At present, there is still much room for improvement in theoretical research and market construction of ramping auxiliary service market in China, while the United States has more mature experience in the construction of ramping auxiliary service market. It is necessary to study and analyze the determination of ramping demand price curve, which is regarded as a key and complicated part of the climbing market construction and operation. Firstly, the basic concepts related to the demand price curve of the U.S. ramping auxiliary service market are introduced. Based on this, the methods of determining the demand price curves of the ramping auxiliary service market in California and Midwest power markets are analyzed in detail, and their differences are compared and analyzed. Finally, taking into account the market construction situation and demand in China, feasible suggestions for constructing the ramping auxiliary service market are proposed in terms of market construction, demand calculation and demand price curve setting.
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